Legal Settlement claims discussed by the Oct. 2 Policy & Government Oversight Committee of the Minneapolis City Council Legal Settlement: Workers' compensation claim of Jamie Conway This link open a new window(2023-00937) Approving the worker's compensation claim of Jamie Conway by payment of $126,000 to Jamie Conway and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement. Action Taken: Approved Legal Settlement: Workers' compensation claim of Michael Vath This link open a new window(2023-00938) Approving the workers' compensation claim of Michael Vath by payment of $125,000 to Michael Vath and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the settlement. Action Taken: Approved Legal Settlement: Workers' compensation claim of Jaycee Manchi This link open a new window(2023-00939) Approving the workers' compensation claim of Jayce Manchi by payment of $112,500 to Jaycee Manchi and attorney, Meuser Law Firm, and authorizing the City Attorney's Office to execute any documents necessary to effectuate the agreement. Action Taken: Approved Legal Settlement: Workers' compensation claim of Isaac Raichert This link open a new window(2023-00940)