A person walks by a food stand with a half of a pizza on a tray on display. The person has short black hair and stubble on their upper lip and chin. They're wearing a navy short sleeved shirt with a red white and blue floral pattern. They're looking into the food stand towards the pizza displayed. In the foreground, half a pepperoni pizza sits on a round metal tray. The tray has drippings of oil on it and the pizza is hanging off the side slightly. In the extreme foreground, a menu is taped on the plastic partition around the booth. There is an illegible logo at the top, then below that, the word "PIZZA" and below that "CLASSIC" on one side with "$5 / $30" on the other side. This continues with several more pizza options, like "PEPPERONI" and "FOUR CHEESE". Towards the bottom is "DRINKS" but the line items below cannot be made out. In front of the person is a plastic barrier, reflecting the pizza inside the stand. In the background, behind the person, a tent food stand called "SHRIMPY'S BURRITO BAR" and another that advertises "HAND DIPPED" something.