Image of a lensed galaxy cluster, blow up image shows lensed arc of a galaxy three bright spots, a supernova. NIRCam in G165 shows: 3 bright point sources parity-flipped w.r.t. Arc-2: Clear SN-la at z=1.783! (LBT, NIRSpec; Polletta, 2023, A&AL, 675, L4; astro-ph/2306.12385); ® 3-epoch G165: 9 data-point light-curve! — suitable to measure Hj at z=1.783 (Frye+23; Chen+23: Foo123; Pascale+23: Pierel+23); — Regular monitoring of clusters with extreme SF can yield more lensed SNe! e Total SFR~200-350 M /yr should give a lensed SN every few years.