@nours Depuis 2020, les programmes Next Generation Internet (NGI), sous-branche du programme Horizon Europe de la Commission Européenne permettent de financer des logiciels libres.
Pour plus d'infos lire le document qui était indiqué dans le pouet, que je remets ici https://code.gouv.fr/docs/cll-avis-ngi-02102024.pdf
Ou aller sur le site de NGI https://ngi.eu/
I'll speak as a woman here. You aren't being a good sister when you throw our privacy and safety under the bus.
We see your proposal for the attempt that it is, to damage that very human right of privacy so that you can undermine other human rights.
The EU funds technology projects that require encryption to protect EU citizens and other residents human right to privacy.
Are you going to go after NGI next? Go after projects that are creating tech with E2EE built in?
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