"Before you are good at something, you're bad at it. That's OK. That's how it's supposed to work!" - Futurist Jim Carroll
Stop chasing perfection. Chase action.
My 10 Great Words Web page and the related document were the subject of a lot of visits yesterday; for some reason, it has met the search engine gods! That's always fine, because you see a traffic spike and wonder - what brought this on? https://10greatwords.jimcarroll.com
Every time this happens, I go back and re-read what I wrote, which was around 20 years ago. My mindset has stood the test of time - it's actually a great document to get into an innovative and future-oriented state of mind. Take a look!
One of the words I use is Try, as in:
Try. How many of your people have lost their ability to adapt to changing circumstances because they’ve lost their confidence?
Developing new skills and career capabilities is critical, given the rapid change occurring in every profession.
And yet, too many people have managed to convince themselves that they can’t adapt; they can’t change; they can’t master the new realities that surround them.
They’ve lost their self-confidence, and they desperately need it back.
Solve this problem fast.
I really like the word Try, because it implies action, moving forward, chasing goals, pursuing knowledge, and finding solutions.
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