Notices where this attachment appears
Embed this notice has blocked the following instances: for "TERF instance" for "TERF instance"
Embed this notice has blocked the following instances: with unspecified reason
Embed this notice has blocked the following instances: for "Run by a libertarian (read: fascist)"
Embed this notice has blocked the following instances: for "A simple, lightweight distribution You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple. Currently we have official packages optimized for the x86-64 architecture. We complement our official package sets with a community-operated package repository that grows in size and quality each and every day. Our strong community is diverse and helpful, and we[…]" for "XMPP powers emerging technologies like IoT, WebRTC, Instant Messaging, Online Gaming, and Realtime Social. No one owns XMPP. It's free and open for everyone since 1999. It's a living standard. Engineers actively extend and improve it. Millions use XMPP software daily to connect to people and services." for "The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, Go, D and Modula-2 as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++,...). GCC was originally written as the compiler for the GNU operating system. The GNU system was developed to be 100% free software, free in the sense that it respects the user's freedom." for "Don't use Facebook Facebook's face recognition demonstrates a threat to everyone's privacy. I therefore ask people not to put photos of me on Facebook; you can do likewise. Of course, Facebook is bad for many other reasons as well."
Embed this notice has blocked the following instances: for "A simple, lightweight distribution You've reached the website for Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple. Currently we have official packages optimized for the x86-64 architecture. We complement our official package sets with a community-operated package repository that grows in size and quality each and every day. Our strong community is diverse and helpful, and we[…]" for "XMPP powers emerging technologies like IoT, WebRTC, Instant Messaging, Online Gaming, and Realtime Social. No one owns XMPP. It's free and open for everyone since 1999. It's a living standard. Engineers actively extend and improve it. Millions use XMPP software daily to connect to people and services." for "The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, Go, D and Modula-2 as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++,...). GCC was originally written as the compiler for the GNU operating system. The GNU system was developed to be 100% free software, free in the sense that it respects the user's freedom." for "Don't use Facebook Facebook's face recognition demonstrates a threat to everyone's privacy. I therefore ask people not to put photos of me on Facebook; you can do likewise. Of course, Facebook is bad for many other reasons as well."
Embed this notice has blocked the following instances: for "Related to"