A comics in five panels. First Panel : An enthuisastic Peter Löwenbräu Griffin is talking to a jaded Brian Griffin. Peter Löwenbräu Griffin : "Ah sweet dey're making a Scott Pilgrim anime !" Second Panel : Still jaded, Brian Griffin is answering. Brian Griffin : "Ah, no, Peter, it's a new "woke" take on the series. It's called Scott Pilgrthem and the Infinite Pronouns." Third Panel : Peter Löwenbräu Griffin is disppointed , while Stewie Griffin is approching in the background, with an evil grin. Peter Löwenbräu Griffin : "Ah crap !" Fourth Panel : Stewie Griffin is talking with an evil grin. Stewie Griffin : "Heh, it's not actually called that but in this day and age can you really be sure ?" Fifth Panel : Two characters are sitting on a couch, likely in front of a TV playing the Family Guy Show. The first one seems disappointed while the other one seems a little angry. First character : "Didn't you say that modern Family Guy is actually really funny ?" Second character : "IT IS, just give it a minute, Jesus !"