Man announces he will quit drinking by 2050 - A Sydney man has set an ambitious target to phase out his alcohol consumption within the next 28 years, as part of an impressive plan to improve his 2y health. The program will see Greg, 73, continue to drink as normal before reducing consumption in 2049 when he turns 101. Taylor said it was important not to rush the process: “It's not realistic to transition to zero alcohol overnight. This requires a phased approach”, he said, adding that whisky drinkers were the real problem. Greg is lobbying for additional investments in beer to maintain beer supply-chain security. Greg will be able to bring forward drinking credits earned from the days he hasn’t drunk over the past forty years, enabling him to reach net-zero but keep drinking. To assist with the transition, he has bought a second beer fridge which he describes as the ‘capture and storage’ method. He is also investing in direct alcohol extraction from blood technology.