@chargrille@progressives.social to @maxkennerly #Bluesky, which directly competes with Twitter, hired Twitter employees & all 3 Board members worked at Twitter. Bluesky clearly relied on Twitter IP, confidential information, & possibly TS, to accelerate its development. The attraction to its users is that it is basically a copycat clone of Twitter - but Musk has never made a peep about it. And never will. That should tell us something very important about Bluesky. Jul 06, 2023, 14:21 - Edited Jul 06, @chargrille to @maxkennerly It's also yet another reason why Musk is unlikely to ever prevail in any misappropriation claims against #Meta for #threads. Musk never objected to such misappropriation by #Bluesky & clearly consented to the use of any proprietary info or TS that Jack & his employees acquired at Twitter. As an aside, it's so predictable that Quinn Emanuel would rep Musk in this ridiculousness.