Bana for scale from Sometimes close is good enough, and when it isn't, it's still all you're gonna get! The Banana: A new, more forgiving unit of measure. Do use it for: Estimates and loose approximations that can be fudged as needed or desired. Examples: "Almost caught me a 2.5 banana beauty!" (silhouette of a trout). "No silly, get me the purse that's 2 3/4 bananas wide" (silhouette of a tote bag). "Little Johnny is 7 bananas tall already!" (silhouette of a young boy) Don't use it for: Building legal language, accounting, medicine, military purposes, or any other use that requires exact standards of measure. (silhouette of a collapsed treehouse-looking mess, a tire hanging off a plank, with father and son looking on, banana on the ground)