Gruel, and pottage generally, has been the primary source of food *especially* as peasant fare across the world. (Of pottage generally, it still is.)
Gruel was the staple food of the ancient greeks; bread was less common and eaten more sparingly, especially for travel.
In medieval Europe, the primary food made in villages would be a giant cauldron of gruel, shared by the entire community, continuously changing and rotating in ingredients.
@zemichi @VD15
I feel like I would've survived the Fukushima disaster
This isn't a joke. You always hear about those 1 in a million odds where people drive off a cliff and had 0.0000001% chance to survive but they miraculously did. Well I feel like I'm that guy. There's no real stats to back this up, I just know I've always been built different. Perhaps the radiation would've given me mutant powers that allowed me to resist and survive the new environmental conditions. Or the tsunami washes me to a different prefecture faster than the radiation can travel.
In other words, I just feel like my odds, personally, would've been different.
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