Image showing a flow chart for remotely measuring your software's energy consumption. On the left is a drawing of a FOSS developer sitting at a laptop. The text below the images says: "Developer uploading Standard Usage Scenario on the remote portal." The first arrow in the flow chart exits rightward from the laptop and points to the Gitlab logo -- the GitLab Tanuki, which looks like an abstract raccoon dog in red and orange (designed by Ty Wilkins). Above the logo "Gitlab CI" is written. The text "SUS + Application config" is written along the arrow, indicating that the Standard Usage Scenario (SUS) and configuration file for the application being tested are uploaded to Gitlab. A second arrow exits the Gitlab logo and points to an unseen box to the far right of the image. The text "Gitlab jobs running" is written above the arrow, indicating that the energy measurement process has been started. A third arrow in the flow chart appears below the second arrow, but now it points back to the Gitlab logo. "Raw Data sent back" is written along the arrow, indicating that the energy consumption data is being sent back to Gitlab. The fourth and final arrow in the flow chart returns to the developer's computer. The text "Getting Results Back" is written along the arrow, indicating that the developer now has the results of the measurement process. Not shown in the image is the measurement lab setup at the far right of the flow chart. The full image can be seen at the blog post.