To my knowledge, no kids.
It was the 80s and early 90s, so I was all on board with wrapping it up. The AIDS scare was a real thing.
@benroyce For every 100K births 32 women die, in the US. If you survive, you're about $20K in medical debt right out of the gate.
The hard part, though, is facing a boss that doesn't give parental leave or a wage that feeds & houses your kids, then lays you off, forcing you into worse (or no) housing that'll poison your kids.
It seems people who have won don't see what a no-win situation relative poverty is.
In the mean time, conservatives have more voter-babies.
@futurebird The point being here that the game is a very strong motivation for kids.
It is moddable, and everybody mods it. To understand what goes on and to write your own, you need to learn a lot of things, Java, object orientation, build processes, compilers, decompilers, build systems, conventions, how minecraft itself works, 3d coordinate systems, linear algebra and linear transformations, it never stops.
He wanted to do cool stuff, and that mean to tackle hard to learn things.
I explained nothing unasked.
That meant he had to try stuff out, had to learn to ask smart questions, find peers, build connections, and whatnot.
It was very little work, really:-)
@TrevorGoodchild What makes him wrong ultimately is that BLM had cosmopolitan backing, they were backed by corporate American and tacitly by the American government.
Being against unfettered immigration (legal or Illegal) has no backing, because it doesn't serve the interest of Corporate and Government. Corporations and the US government need this because:
To frame in a racial perspective is interesting, because the black population shrunk as well. It is no longer 13% of the population, it's less now. Black people are also impacted by immigration, poor or otherwise, because that's less resources from the State and even the economic sector. It fucks the average American citizens who are not corporate executives or government workers.
We look back in horror at the idea of putting babies in a furnace shaped like a bull. We call it barbaric. Or throwing vigins in volcanos.
But there are people today who don't bat an eye when the government mandates injecting our kids.
It's bizarre.
This is why TPTB are tying themselves in knots trying to keep girls from finding their husband and having kids.
It why all the abortion. It's why all the LGBT shit.
They can't have girls growing up and expecting more out of life than a hedonist buffet.
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