A line drawing illustration of a 17th Century Frenchman leaning his right arm on a table with his hand up to his ear so as to aid in hearing the sound emitted from a large device on the table in front of him, a dome-shaped box containing a trumpet-like horn surrounded by mechanical gears and switches. A caption reads "Illstration from the 1910 edition by Albert Robida". A quote from an English translation of the original book reads: "...it was a Book made wholly for the Ears, and not the Eyes. So that when any Body has a mind to read in it, he winds up that Machine with a great many Strings; then he turns the Hand to the Chapter which he desires to hear, and straight, as from the Mouth of a Man, or a Musical Instrument, proceed all the distinct and different Sounds...” – Cyrano De Bergerac, 1657