01vbvkly8n subscribers
These are the people who listen to 01vbvkly8n's notices.
p pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist:
BOFH of freespeechextremist.com, and former admin. The usual alt if FSE is down: @p@shitposter.club, and others. I am no longer the admin. FSE has no admins now. Welcome to the FSE Autonomous Zone.I'm not angry with you, I'm just disappointed.I am physically in Los Angeles but I exist in a permanent state of 3 a.m.I have dropped a bytebeat album, feel free to DM me for a download code or a link to a tarball: https://finitecell.bandcamp.com/album/villain . There is a chiptunes album there, too.Revolver is coming: https://liberapay.com/Revolver
lunarised The MILF Messiah
Professional RapperCock SlapperMILF Trapper1337 HackerUnapologetic :C: and Rust idiotArch Linux and Gnome3 enjoyerMy opinions are my own, and left, and probably badWill suck your dick if you call me a faggot XMPP:lunarised@pisscord.whinge.townOMEME: c7bb723d f3d34428 f3a7f820 3d229a6c 94a0058e 533f4259 856c77bf 5b2cd149