@Leyonhjelm@marine all I know is that the people who wronged me will pay. I've wronged others but I always owned up and made up for it. These people haven't. So they will pay. The trio of evil masochi.st faggots will pay and God will not be so merciful. Then they will realize
@p@Leyonhjelm@marine bro ur gonna be fine. And if any glowniggers are reading this let the record show that I am not mentally ill and I have no desire to harm anybody. I never have. Plus I'm not a white male
@marine@Leyonhjelm I didn't force anybody to be my friend. He was my friend and he abandoned me because I inconvenienced him once. I don't care what kind of mind games you try to pull here, that is objectively a morally wrong thing to do. Especially to someone like me who is constantly suffering. I wouldn't do that to someone and anyone who does or condones that behavior should choke.
@marine@Leyonhjelm no, I didn't do anything more than inconvenience him and he should not have abandoned me. That is objective. It doesn't matter if I'm special or not, you don't do that shit to ANYBODY.
@marine@Leyonhjelm It wasn't "personal business." It was really just petty e-drama and I should not have been abandoned by him. I can understand him being upset and I can understand him pulling the plug if I had done it multiple times without changing. But that wasn't the case, and I tried to own up to it but he still abandoned me. I forgave my friends every time they did something that hurt me and they never did it again. I didn't just fucking abandon them!!!! That's evil and people who do it need to choke. You need friends to survive in this world and I will never have friends again so I inevitably won't survive. Hope you and him are happy about that
Wanna know why I can't admit I'm wrong? Because I'm not. At all.
@Leyonhjelm@marine I had friends once but I can't talk to them anymore cause the evil trio of masochi.st faggots ruined my life and made it impossible for me to trust anybody ever again. I carry a knife with me now.
@Leyonhjelm@marine@p sorry, that's not going to happen. You will instead be confronted with all the things you were forced to believe but can no longer deny. You will be forced to admit guilt and remorse for all the people you've hurt. This isn't me crazy-talking, this is just me stating what happens to all people who spend most of their lives hurting others