And just how close does Melvin Kayotuk get to these polar bears?? This close! His wife took a pic of him taking pics. I've also seen videos where Melvin is even closer! No fear. #Alaska#KaktovikAlaska#PolarBears
So, I was in Anchorage for the last three days. We stayed at a darling boutique hotel in downtown Anchorage right near a wonderful park overlooking Cook Inlet. It was glorious! Here are some photos I took at sunset. #Alaska#AnchorageAtSunset#ElderberryPark#CookInlet#TheSleepingLady
Uki is GONE!!!!!! 😭 She is now at SeaWorld Orlando where she will live out her days with other walruses. Alaskans are deeply saddened that she has moved, but we also understand that she will be better off with "her people" and a cadre of caregivers. #Alaska#GoneButNeverForgotten#Uki#SeaWorldOrlando#RescuedWalrusBaby
Ignoring the so-called "assasination attempt" bullshit story when the only shots fired were by SS. Here's a feed cleanser. Anybody out there??? Photo by Melvin Kayotuk. #Alaska#AlaskaPolarBear#KaktovikAK#NotPolitical
Don't know if I have posted about Chicken, Alaska before today, but it's real! I lived near...well, in Alaska terms...for 8 years. It's one of those extremely unique little places in Alaska. Used to be a big gold mining area; now it's just a stopping point on the way to Dawson City, Canada from Alaska. Oh, and they have the big Chickenstock Festival in the summer. #Alaska#ChickenAlaska#TaylorHighwayAlaska
Yet another law was broken by guess who?? Sickens me to no end! The creature has NO shame, there is no bottom for him and he must be eliminated from politics this year so VOTE as if your life depends on it because it does! #VoteHarrisWalz#SaveDemocracy#EndTrump's everyone feeling about the Harris/Walz ticket?? I have to say that for the first time in years, I feel HOPEFUL! Lots of hope for our nation and people. Walz is a dream VP candidate and I was a Harris fan when she was in the Senate and supported her in 2020 in her presidential campaign and when she joined the ticked with the great Joe Biden. #America#HopeForTheFuture#VoteHarrisWalz#DefeatMAGA#TrumpVanceSuck
A black bear on a trail somewhere near Anchorage. Photo by Lacee Johnson. I share this because I ran into one of these guys while walking on one of my favorite trails last week. As I walked up a hill and rounded the corner, I heard rustling behind a bush on the side of the trail; I stopped and a black bear, not quite this large, took off into the woods. I went in the opposite direction, walking very calmly. Once I thought I was far enough away, I stopped for a moment and could still hear the bear so I turned around again. Never have I been so relieved to get back to the parking lot. In 24 years in Alaska, this was my first encounter with a bear on the trail and I hope it was my last. #Alaska#BlackBearsOfAlaska#SummerInAlaska