"Many of us know activists who bully others. And perhaps because bullies tend to be fearful and timid at heart, they often tend to bully not the opposition or the unconvinced, who probably wouldn’t put up with that kind of treatment, anyway, but other activists and their own family members." From https://lifelongactivist.com/ 2/2
"Sometimes activists don’t mean to lie, but neglect to be absolutely clear and unambiguous about the dividing line separating fact from opinion, so that their audience becomes confused. Try to avoid that mistake."
"Many activists seem to operate under the principle that if they just badger people enough, or make them feel guilty or ashamed enough, then those people will finally see the error of their ways and embrace the activist’s viewpoint
Bullying can masquerade as activism, but is in fact antithetical to it. If you spend a lot of time talking at people instead of listening to them, you should give serious thought to the question of whether you are, in fact, bullying." 1/2
@ciredutempsEsme@b3nb3n de ce que je comprends Milgram fait partie de la communauté zet/sceptique donc pas trop de surprise sur la forme. Sur le fonds, ben effectivement faut pas avoir fait une grande ecole non plus pour voir que c'est du boulechite de compet cette creme.