Zelenskyy wasn't in the slightest bit antagonistic. He was trying to answer questions in a very reasonable way, and was suddenly faced with a barrage of unwarranted abuse from Vance and Trump, starting with questioning how he dressed.. Utterly disgraceful.
Brexit is a disaster. It is also done & can't be undone. Rejoining is a ship which has long since sailed. It will not return for 20 years & when it does, it will be a whole different kind of vessel. It will require a whole new application & years of negotiations. Message ends.
I would be astonished if Putin wasn't trying to take maximum advantage of the present situation in the UK and trying as hard as he can through his proxies, to make it worse. The names of his proxies in the UK I will leave to your own judgement. Message ends.
Biden has classic signs of multiple thoughts being processed at once. Hence the mix-ups. I suffer from the same problem at times. I also had a terrible stammer in childhood, so I understand exactly how some of these so-called 'gaffes' can happen. Trump on the other hand, has multiple gross personality defects on top of his clear cognitive problems. No contest. At all.
@Helengraham@JoshuaHolland The criticisms of Biden have ben going on for many years. He has a speech impediment which is the result of a bad stammering problem as a child. I had that very same problem) It also causes his speech to sound slurred at times. His mind is as clear as a bell. A million times more so than Trump's.
Hamas will not observe a cease-fire, nor will Israel. The best we can hope for is a series of pauses to evacuate and/or resupply, and take injured people to safety and for urgent medical treatment.
@freepatriot Grow up. None of us would be here if it were not for vaccines. There is no immunity from some viruses, and they can only be successfully treated by vaccination. Without vaccination. Smallpox (now eradicated worldwide), diphtheria and other pandemic diseases would still be with us (without vaccines). They would have killed untold millions. YOU would almost certainly never have been born.
@Ctuckerh98@freepatriot Yes, the fully intended result of mRNA is to specifically target cancer cells or other genetic abnormalities for individual people or groups. They will be universally beneficial. a fantastic breakthrough in human understanding, a commodity of which you appear to have little. They offer the hope of eliminating many human diseases and genetic abnormalities over the coming decades. Take a Master's degree in epidemiology/immunology or hold your peace until you have.
@Ctuckerh98 Good to hear that your mind seems to be at least partially open. All science going forward goes through these phases. Information-gathering & feedback are vital. All technology is incomplete until it is completed as far as it can go. As to 'obvious' harm, the evidence on this is sketchy at best, or distorted for motives which are highly questionable. Only science can give the answers, and it has to work its way through. It cannot be rushed; knee-jerk reactions are not helpful.
@Ctuckerh98 Vaccines DO stop infection & transmission,. If you don't catch the virus in the first place, you can't transmit it in the second place. Millions have already died. The science is well proven. Those who survive Covid may be crippled for life. Get fully vaccinated, wear masks when in the company of other people. Covid is entirely airborne. You can only catch it by breathing in what an infected person has breathed out. It is science, but not rocket science. Google stuff. Get a grip.