Let me show you something crazy. One of the largest news sites in Denmark is currently mentioning Trump 19 times on its front page. In my latest newsletter, I illustrate how much more news sites are covering Trump compared to previous presidents. https://baekdal.com/newsletter/executive-focus-in-2025-volume-of-news-and-more/
Always remember that, when it comes to time travel, the problem isn't the time part, but the space part. If you travel 30 years back in time, you would end up about 551,880,000,000 km from Earth, which is how far Earth has moved because of how fast our galaxy moves through space.
That's roughly 100 times further away than from here to Pluto. So if you have ever wondered where all the time travelers are. Well, there are out there, floating in space forever. ;)
Here is how rapid COVID is currently spreading in Denmark... This is based on measuring COVID from wastewater samples, which is the only real form of testing we have.
We have a massive exponential growth, soon to exceed the 'third wave' from two years ago.
@dangillmor@TheAtlantic I'm sorry, but this is a misguided mindset. We are seeing massive levels of layoff in the industry, and journalists are not wealthy philanthropists.
In a time of crisis, you don't tell nurses to work for free to help the injured. So telling journalists to not get paid for their important work is wrong.
Instead, as a reader, you should support this very important form of journalism!
@dangillmor@TheAtlantic I get what you are saying, but I don't agree. Demanding that important news should be made available for free (and by that extension, that important news should be paid for by the newspapers as a form of public charity to the public) undermines journalism as an industry because it means we can only make money from non-important news which is not profitable... and 20,000 journalists have lost their jobs this year alone.
Let's just be clear about something. When a government says that they want to be 'realistic' about climate action, but still reach 2050 goals ... what they are actually saying is that the problem should be handled by some future government after they are long gone.
If I was running a newspapers that also covered cars, I would straight up refuse to cover any more reviews of cars using a combustion engine. Seriously, you cannot in your climate section tell people that the world is burning, and then on the next page go: "Hey look at this V8"
I'm sorry. This is not amazing. This is wrong! ... I mean, we have just spent a decade fighting fake news, and we were kind of getting it under control, but then these AIs come along.
Why are we accepting this development?
And if you think this is just "innocent fun", think again: see the other picture. It's all fake!
I'm serious. We need to stop being impressed by any of this and start demanding accountability. This 'AI-driven hallucinated reality that looks real" has to be stopped.
We are currently experiencing record heat across Europe, but take a look at the newspapers. I mean, seriously. Where is the coverage? Where is the focus? Where is the drive to investigate the future?
We are failing as a news industry. Just completely failing. As a media analyst, it's astonishing to look at.