WAPO characterizes Trump win over Haley in NH as massive win: "How Trump crushed Haley’s momentum " "Trump beats Haley decisively in N.H., closing in on nomination" "Trump gains momentum with New Hampshire win over Haley" When actual numbers tell a different story: Trump 54.5. Haley 43.2 They're not reporting, they're selling..
@RememberUsAlways Downgraded huh? Musk must need to buy. When he wants to sell expect an announcement of something new, a feature, product, etc. Tesla reeks of Enron like stock manipulation.
@JamesGleick NBC politics, in this fraud of investigative journalism, failed to mention a very prominent character. The man who facilitated Trump's billion dollar (apparently unsecured) loans at Deutsche Bank, Justin Kennedy. He is the son of retired Justice Anthony Kennedy. He "retired" during Trump's administration which gave him a SCOTUS spot to appoint. That's not worth noting, nope, not at all.