"That's #nature, it's a beautiful and smart #system, but it's a system of give and take. We've just been taking and taking for so long, using the #Earth as our playground, that I think we've completely forgotten that we're a part of this system and, one day, in a not so distant #future, we're also gonna have to give back." – #DamiLee
We aren't separate from the #planet and its systems, we're just a small part.
It's better to expect the worse and be wrong, than to be optimistic and be wrong, is our default.
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation requires hope, and a belief that we can achieve a much better outcome than what we have now, and where we're headed.
By relying on the #knowledge that's long been known, rather than the "just because we can" arrogance of #capitalism, we can stop the long, slow, and now imminent #suicide of our #species.
#Libya is far from the only place where #dam collapse has directly caused large human death tolls.
Doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once is our only hope at mitigating, maybe one day reversing, the ongoing and worsening devastation of the #ClimateChange we have caused and continue to exacerbate.
"...you can't just plant #trees...addressing this issue requires a multi-pronged approach...encouraging green spaces, but also enforcing industry standards, and also coming up with novel solutions that most people wouldn't immediately think of."
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solutions abound and are stimulating long-overdue discussions and useful #innovations
"We are entirely connected with #nature and, in turn, the #reef...Every action, every decision we make has an impact on the #environment around us...if you take positive [actions] to reduce your #carbon#emission, this in turn will have a really positive effect on #reefs around the #world...each of us individually are connected and...if we work together, we can have really large and positive impacts."
Damaging or destroying #ecosystems and natural #environments is NOT part of, and is directly antithetical to, a solid Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation strategy.
We must make all things better, not sacrifice one part to benefit another as that merely keeps us treading water.
Yes, the #planet's rate of spin may be affected by #climate change. Potentially catastrophic, but may be mitigated (as well as exacerbated or caused by) variations in the #Moon's #orbit.
The segment starts at around 29:34 into the #video
The situation is dire, the state of our #environment is critical, but the future is not hopeless thanks to people doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once to help mitigate the effects of #ClimateChange
Segments of this may have been #broadcast during normal #newscasts but, unfortunately, this full summary is provided via a secondary or tertiary outlet.
At least they're covering this news and sharing it in an understandable format.
"When #nature is allowed off the leash to be fully functioning, it can have an awe-inspiring resilience. These powers of nature shouldn't be underestimated."
It's sad that I have to explicitly state in this thread that, OF COURSE, my pushing for Everything, Everywhere, All at Once #ClimateChange mitigation solutions is for projects and #technologies that *actually* benefit the #environment, today, tomorrow, and, hopefully, long into the future.
I've never said that just doing anything is the answer, but that doing all that *works*, everywhere it can be done, starting now, is what we need.
"The bulk of the problem is still long-haul #flights, but until we can #fly on cleaner #fuels, we can start cutting #emissions where we can."
#Goverment policies and inter-cooperation are key to enabling Everything, Everywhere, All at Once solutions to mitigate #ClimateChange at every level, from hyper-local, to #national, to #international and, ultimately, #global.
The bad faith argument of a net-good #ClimateChange mitigation solution not meeting some arbitrary standard of "perfect", thus being less than useful or harmful, is a self-serving and intellectually limited viewpoint.
Implementing the best available solutions, imperfect as they may be, while *also* continuing to improve upon them *and* developing ever better options defines the Everything, Everywhere, All at Once strategy I believe we need.
Yet again today, I muted and blocked another person who posted that no one is doing anything about #ClimateChange.
That's an absolute lie and seems to me to be part of a deliberate #misinformation campaign designed to stop people from doing Everything, Everywhere, All at Once to mitigate #climate change.
It's fair to argue that *not enough* is being done, and that we're moving too slowly, but good work abounds, and every little bit helps.
Politics #Tech #Movies #Emotions #NSFW #Herpes (you too, probably). Living on Tequesta/Seminole lands7 #Pfizer, 2 #Novavax #COVID vaxxed/boosted (so far). No conservatives, centrists, libertarians, etc.I'm trying to be kind, but my love-filled soul is also filled with rage. #WokeAF, imperfectly so.Avi: Cropped headshot of me, when I was a cute young Black teenager with a 'fro. Header: Sombrero galaxyThe worst person I've known, as far as I know; not the worst person that's ever been.