The Internet is "discussing" this picture and in many places one side is being insulted for the outfit the choose. Some people are also writing condescendingly: Both choices are completely fine (star-emoji). What most people fail to recognize is that none of the women really chose their outfit. They are forced to do their sport in outfits that are approved by the men of their patriarchal system. In one system you have to cover yourself, in the other you have to get naked to be able to take part.
Russian embedded journalist wears a purity seal from the Warhammer universe on his shoulder. 🙃 "They take the form of wax seals and parchment inscribed with declarations and prayers. They are prominently displayed on armour, and symbolize that the wearer is uncontaminated by the slightest taint of Chaos."
I did some more digging on the internet and apparently it's real. One or more Russian Orthodox priests and and an arms company use the small stamps intended for stamped round bread for the Orthodox Eucharist and real prayers to make "real" seals against the forces of the Chaos for their soldiers at the front. Apparently because of the high demand from the soldiers themselves. For a little change, of course.
@cjk Ja die standen schon hier. Aber werden - zumindest von dem Amseln - für Nester genutzt und deren Beeren gefressen. Kann also diese totale Unnützlichkeit nicht so bestätigen. Die Restlichen "Hecken" hier in der Straße sind mMn weniger mit Leben befüllt.
Heute auf den letzten Drücker das Igelhaus winterfest gemacht. Das war ein bischen schwierig aber nun sollte zumindest Regendicht sein, der Platz ist aber eigentlich recht trocken. Unter dem Schlafbereich habe ich eine kleine Kuhle gemacht und dick mit getrockneten Blättern als isolierung gefüllt. Weil der Igel sein Nest aber wohl gerne selbst bauen will, hab ich Material nur daneben gestellt, da kann er sich bedienen. Morgen Abend/Nacht soll kein Frost sein, da soll er raus. 🤞
Writes about rocket science, free energy and unconscious pyrokinesis.Telex-Influencer & kittencontrolledeverything here will be deleted automagicly after some time, so copy stuff you want to keep.AI-Bildbeschreibot as a service! 🤖she/they | ger/eng