man i am trying to rent an apartment for which i earn about 3x the rent, i have 3x the rent in my bank account (because they asked me to show that), my credit score is above 715, my dad is a guarantor and he earns many times the rent per month and his credit score is above 820. and they're asking if he has a bank account with more liquidity? what the fuck. i'm renting for 8 months my man please chill out
@xan honestly i don't mind managing services generally but this one specifically is a huge pain due to the architecture and scale and it's too frequent work that's always a headache. plus i have other hobbies now
hey everyone, I'll stop running my mastodon instances by March 31st. I've been feeling tired of doing that for years, out of the project for even longer, and i'm also starting to feel the financial strain of running those machines and keeping all that data
please figure out a migration plan before then, but on March 31st 2025 I will turn the virtual machines off, and at some time a little bit later in the future I will delete the data.
on est en 2014. valls est au gouvernement, mais il ne lui reste que moins d'un mois en raison de son impopularité et de la haine que les français lui vouent on est en 2024. valls est au gouvernement, mais il ne lui reste que moins d'un mois en raison de son impopularité et de la haine que les français lui vouent
america national parks fun fact: apparently the ADA considers ADHD and Autism to be "permanent disabilities" and so you can get a lifetime national parks pass for free if you ask for it
@crowdagger@adamas bah forcément si tu décentralise t'as les problèmes de cohérence des données et si tu veux avoir la cohérence des données faut centraliser la décision de quelles données sont les bonnes quoi
@anna right but like! I'm already doing that with github and jira!! tools that were put in place specifically so that the performance review people could track what we're doing!!
it's so hard trying to get employers to understand that all I need is well defined tasks. it shouldn't be that hard. I can work on anything (within reason) as long as you define the desired end goal properly. no, telling me "please make the documentation better after this incident" isn't a problem because I don't like doing documentation work, it's a problem because that's extremely vague (should it be customer facing doc, support doc, our doc, a post-mortem, general tips, etc...). please
also really funny internal organization where my tech lead just told me "yes I saw that you kept the jira ticket up to date and replied to my comments on github and fixed the problems and asked for a re-review, but I need you to post about all of that in slack instead / in addition because otherwise the people who do performance reviews don't see it and so they think you're not doing anything at all" like? why do we have those tools then.....???
punky leather stickers cameras piercings dyed-hair urbex girlfriend-boyfriend hybrid, hope someday I get the self-confidence that goes with thattrains rights