Love how "right clicker mentality" was meant as derisive, when really it's saying "Why won't you respect the artificial scarcity of this infinitely reproducible digital speculative asset so that it's value goes up?"
Not from any account I actually care about. From basically a throw away. Gonna have good content, really engage people.
But every post will tell people where it's from and ask why are they on Facebook if they can connect to facebook without being on it and they should leave.
Dystopian sci-fi story about a collapse of civilization, and the survivors trying to use and repurpose the tech around them but are unable to fix the tractor they found to pull rubble because only authorized people from the company with digital keys could repair it, or make a mesh network to communicate but the abundant IoT hubs are bricks without connection to their servers.
A child of the storm and blood.An agent of chaos.Send me a message/reply to follow along with your request to follow, will approve if you got something in bio, an avi, and some toots and don't seem like a total ghoul.Exception is townies, just send the follow request and will approve.