The FSF is almost exclusively powered by member dues and individual contributions averaging USD $46.22. We'd be deeply grateful if you'd join the thousands of free software enthusiasts who support us financially.
#ThankGNU! to Adarsh Melethil, David Bruce, Deborah Jackson, James Wilson, Mikael Taipale, Peter Sluka, and Valerio Poggi for helping the FSF continue its goal of educating the public about #freesoftware See a longer list of those who have helped us financially in our advocacy for #SoftwareFreedom and awareness:
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Konstantinos Eleftheriou, Valentino Reisfeld, Kamila Szewczyk, and Sam Russell for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #Emacs#GNUAstro More:
Did you know that the FSF has a Friends membership tier? It doesn't have all the benefits of the standard or student associate membership tiers, but it does include the option to receive a USB membership card with Trisquel GNU/Linux, an FSF membership badge, access to the member forum, and some other perks, all while supporting software freedom. Read more about the Friends tier:
"Free software is like having free will. You are free to decide." says the daughter of FSF senior systems administrator Ian Kelling. Kelling adds that with free software, "we get to individually and collectively decide how we run, modify, learn from, and share the software." Read more:
"'This equipment is supposed to save your life,' David Burchell, who has type 1 diabetes, told the BBC. 'And basically it broke, just showing a white screen, and I had a panic.'" Read the full article on the importance of software freedom in medical devices:
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Alekseev Nikita, Edgar Vincent, and Toshihiro Umehara for assigning their copyright to the FSF! More:
Truly free GNU/Linux distributions like Dragora, Trisquel, or Parabola tend to have fewer contributors but all the same hosting expenses as larger distros. Have you donated to support them yet?
Flashback to this blog post from former campaigns intern Leonardo Vignini intern which details the history of #DRM: where did Digital Restrictions Management start, how did it get this bad, and what can we do about it?
Thank you from the bottom of our GNU little heart! #ThankGNU to Beat Straehl, David Almassian, David Klann, Kim Minh Kaplan, and Maks Romih Us for their generous contribution to the #fsf Let's fight for freedom together!
Assigning your copyright to the FSF helps defend the GPL and keep software free. Thanks to Stuart Ferguson, Pranshu Sharma, and Scott Bell for assigning their copyright to the FSF! #Emacs#GNUAstro More:
Did you know that the government of Kerala included free software in the school curriculum inspired by protests from free software enthusiasts and a favorable stance taken by a school teachers association? Help the free software community achieve the same for other states, countries, and regions worldwide by donating to support the FSF's advocacy for free software.
With an associate membership, you can start a Jitsi room and invite whoever you please, whether or not they have an FSF account. You're not handing over your credentials to Apple or Google by proxy Unlike the flagship server, ours does not require a third-party login. It does not use nonfree JavaScript, and it does not recommend nonfree software or browser extensions.
Wir brauchen dich! Seit 1985 hat die FSF auf eine bessere Welt voller freier Software hingearbeitet. Um weiterhin ein Stützpfeiler der Freien Software Bewegung bleiben zu können, brauchen wir deine Hilfe. Kannst du uns mit einer Spende unterstütze?
Pourquoi d’autres soutiennent-ils la FSF financièrement ? « Je veux entrer en contact avec des personnes ayant un état d’esprit et des opinions similaires aux miens, afin de promouvoir l’essor du logiciel libre auprès d’une audience plus large. » – Jakub Švarc. Partagez votre raison de soutenir la FSF avec le hashtag #CornerstoneOfAFreeSociety