"The president shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." #HarryLitman points out #ConvictedFelonTrump is in violation of this Take Care clause of the Constitution (II-2)! If Congress and the courts refuse to hold him to this, the people must do it themselves. Use every weapon at your disposal to remove him from office! #Politics
#ConvictedFelonTrump is too dimwitted to understand that #TikTok MUST SEVER all ties with China. Information security, security, security. He treats it as a cash cow deal. What an idiot! #Politics
Sadly, today, every #GOP vote is for #Kakistocracy . Gov't agency experts in their fields all fired, or jailed. Anyone opposing the fascist leader fired, incarcerated, or worse. Once in power, your vote will no longer be counted, they will rule as THEY like, making up lies as they are now. This is not a fantasy. Democracy will be ended! This is what they have promised to do! See #Project2025. #VoteBlue exclusively! #Politics
#JackassDoucheVance ! Who like many others spoke truth about the 🍊💩🤡 until grifting for power and $$$ entered the picture. Fascist dictator wannabes per #Project2025 . Annihilate today's #GOP ! #VoteBlue#Politics
What are the results to this simple poll: Which do you want for America's future: democratic republic or fascist dictatorship? And then educate the ignorant of their cognitive dissonance. #Politics
#JudgeCannon was judged to not be competent enough to hear the #ConvictedFelonTrump case by at least two of her (competent) peers! You just can't make this up! #Politics
I must, respectfully, disagree with #PaulKrugman that #Biden step away. Those urging it are the ones who need to step away and unite forces 100% behind #BidenHarris2024 . Take this chaos away, and its ensuing chaos, and focus on #Project2025 's dystopia! That is the most effective, sizable, poll mover! #Politics
#Project2025 is an advanced right wing road map for overthrowing America with a racist right wing white Christian nationalist dictatorship! Do not believe their lies about it being in YOUR best interests. Quite the contrary. Smarten up! Those espousing it must be exterminated from all seats of power! #Politics