@Jain As far as I know, there is only one developer. I haven't written to her yet, but I did find her address, as well as a main Akkoma forum for developers.
My original post was written to determine if other blind users noticed anything else that I should mention. That said, I think I found all of the problems, and they are few and far between. I will send an e-mail and post, respectively, either tonight or tomorrow. I am very excited about this, because I don't think it will take much to resolve these problems. I also wish to thank you for allowing me to join this wonderful instance. I really love it here and am very happy. It's peaceful, and I don't get headaches, either from frustration with the software or from various posts. One thing I am concerned about, though, is that, once the changes are implemented, if you choose to update this instance, it will be offline for a little while. I don't want to inconvenience my fellow blob.cat users, but I know this will be very helpful in the longrun.
Embed this noticeGeorgiana Brummell (dandylover1@blob.cat)'s status on Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 09:49:35 JST
Georgiana BrummellHave I mentioned how much I love being here at Akkoma and Blob.cat in particular? For some reason, TWBlue was not updating my timelines, so I went to the main page of blob.cat and read them here! It is truly wonderful to be able to do that! I was also able to like/favourite and boost/repeat posts, and had I wanted to, I could have edited them as well, all with no difficulty! I'm truly glad for all of you who don't have to deal with accessibility issues as users, but trust me, you don't want to. Once the tiny ones here are fixed, this really will be a perfect site for the blind. Oh, and did I mention no politics! Maybe five posts, if that, contained them, so the whole experience was lovely! Even as it is, I would recommend screen readers try it.
Embed this noticeGeorgiana Brummell (dandylover1@blob.cat)'s status on Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 06:59:19 JST
Georgiana BrummellI'm thinking of starting to listen to BBC radio shows again. There are still a few episodes of Paul Temple that I must finish and i have a few theatrical programmes. Can anyone recommend others? I like plays (usually classics, or ones set in fantacy lands or Ruritania), things about the upper class, the Regency, historical documentaries, nature, science fiction, strange or unusual stories, children's programmes, etc. I generally prefer happy stories. I have no interest in war (unless it's history), violence, obscenities, what some call gritty realism, politics (minus histtory), and so on. My goal is almost always to listen to and to collect things in Received Pronunciation, and extra points if it's Upper RP.
Embed this noticeGeorgiana Brummell (dandylover1@blob.cat)'s status on Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 01:42:30 JST
Georgiana BrummellAttention, blind Akkoma users! I will be writing to the developer with my concerns about a few problems with accessibility on this platform. Most should be easy to resolve. Please let me know if you find any more, and also state what browser and screen reader you are using. Note: This is in reference to the site itself, not to your client of choice. I will post about that separately. For the record, I use NVDA with Firefox.
1. Many buttons are unlabelled and simply say "button". This is true on the main page as well as when viewing posts and tabs in profiles. Most work once pressed. They just need to be labelled.
2. Searching for people, tags, groups, and posts is inaccessible. I can enter the edit field and write my text, but then, there are two unlabelled buttons next to that. The first simply takes me back to the edit field. The second does nothing. I am assuming this is a submit button that doesn't work via the keyboard.
3. It is impossible to view followers, as well as those whom I follow. I can see the numbers of each but not the people and groups themselves.
4. I cannot read my own profile without editing it. There appears to be no link where I can simply view it, either as myself or anonymously. If I go to my page and am not logged in, however, I can view it. I can also easily edit it when logged in.
5. The page renders very differently in Chrome than in Firefox. In Chrome, I can't see anything but my notifications, so I can't get to my page or the other timelines.
Embed this noticeGeorgiana Brummell (dandylover1@blob.cat)'s status on Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 01:41:52 JST
Georgiana BrummellI don't understand the bit about representational characters in books, films, television shows, etc. This is especially true of children's works. I never wondered why there were no blind girls in the books I read as a child or teenager. I never felt left out. The whole point of such entertainment is to learn about other characters and their worlds. What happened to children's imaginations that they can't simply imagine themselves in that world or as that character? And why must politics be brought into everything, from adult jokes in films, to various ideologies being pushed in books? Why must everyone have some kind of agenda, instead of just writing to entertain? This is true even in books for adults.
@Jain Thank you. I wish that half of the options on this site didn't say "button", so that I have no idea what I'm doing. I have to keep pressing things and hope I find the right one. I guess I'll have to memorise it all or write them down. But all of the tabs in the profile area say "button", and all of the options when I click on one of my posts say the same thing.
Embed this noticeGeorgiana Brummell (dandylover1@blob.cat)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2025 16:43:32 JST
Georgiana BrummellI'm trying to figure things out and also see how I can search for and follow people and tags, since I can't do it from the main blob.cat site. That said, there does appear to be two different interfaces! One is blob.fe and the other is blab.fe. I don't really understand this yet, but I'm sure I will in time. Perhaps, one is the main Akkoma setting. That said, while TweeseCake is fully functional, Enafore, Semaphore, and Elk.zone all seem to be down. They all send the request to blob.cat, and I am able to authorise it, but I can't post anything or see anything related to Notifications, my profile, etc. I would expect this from Semaphore, as it's older, but Enafore is its direct replacement, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work. Elk.zone says right on the page that it's experimental, so again, I am not surprised there.
Hello. Georgiana Brummell is not my legal name, but it is what I prefer to be called. I chose it in honour of Beau Brummell. Some of my interests include studying dandyism, nineteenth-century grammar, Received Pronunciation, British history, and the Regency. I like coffee, tea, wine, nasal snuff, cooking, hot baths, reading British literature, watching nature and historical documentaries, gardening, hot weather, and playing cards and dice. I also love cats. In classical music, I enjoy Baroque through a bit of early Romantic, while in popular, I usually prefer 1950's through 1970's. I love theatre, mostly English and Viennese operettas, Edwardian musical comedies), and some Regency/Georgian plays. I am a huge Ivor Novello fan. I prefer antique menswear and accessories (no feminine clothing). It's my dream to either buy a genuine Edwardian suit or have one commissioned. I love wit, wordplay, and dry humour without vulgarity. I am happily childfree, and speak my mind.