@ascentale A3. I bought a large handful of cyclami tubes via aliexpress (for less than butyl tubes). The butyl tubes that came with my bike really didn’t hold air (topping off every ride), and I heard that the tpu tubes held air better. Spoiler, mine don’t (maybe they are counterfeit…). Then I started getting flats, repair was easy, easier that with butyl tubes, find the hole, circle it using a permanent marker (to find it again), then peel and stick. I finally found the culprit in a tiny wire embedded in my tire. Unable to remove it, I patched the tire with I think three stacked patches, and the tpu tubes have been fine sense.
I carry two spares, and I’ve not yet had to replace one on a ride.
And I’m resigned to pumping up my tubes on a daily basis. (The drop about 5psi over 24 hours).
Would I recommend them? Idk, they sure take up less room, otherwise I’m not sure I notice a difference.