The international study found certain crops, such as maize, Swiss chard and beans, thrived under the partial shade provided by solar panels.
The shade helped to reduce water loss through evaporation, while additionally using the rainwater harvested from the panels to supplement irrigation needs.
Big oil firms knew of dire effects of fossil fuels as early as 1950s, memos show Newly unearthed documents contain warning from head of Air Pollution Foundation, founded in 1953 by oil interests
Major oil companies, including Shell and precursors to energy giants Chevron, ExxonMobil and BP, were alerted about the planet-warming effects of fossil fuels as early as 1954, newly unearthed documents show.
PMP Project Manager, Renewable Energy #CommunityEnergy #ActiveTransport advocate Chair of CLEANaS picture: Colour photo of Alec Roberts, headshot.Header: Photo of Zenith Beach, Port Stephens, NSW Australia showing crashing waves with sea spray, the Tomaree Headland and Boondelbah Island offshore.