Firefox users can make SQL queries against their history database using sqlite3. Just shut down Firefox first. This will find top level URLs you've visited.
sqlite3 places.sqlite "SELECT url FROM moz_places WHERE substr(url,-1,1)=='/' AND length(url)-length(replace(url,'/',''))<4;"
Did any of you run an anonymous FTP server back in the mid 90s or earlier? Like at one of the big universities that had major FTP servers. Did putting your email address as your password actually get recorded somewhere? AFAIK the password was not logged in cleartext, so looking back, it seems pointless to have asked for that as if it was some form of ID.
For renaming part of a long filename (to remove "Copy of "), try using brace expansion for the From/To renamed part. mv {Copy\ of\ ,}Some\ Long\ Filename.pdf
I made these diagrams to generally explain to a college class how file storage layers work on a drive and now when you delete/format the filesystem the file data remains. I couldn't find one online, so made one. What do you think? Any significant issues?
Oh shoot! I started this process outside of tmux, but now I need to go away and it's been running a while, what can I do? [Ctrl-z] on the process bg echo $! # get the PID (1608) disown tmux reptyr 1608