@Radical_EgoCom the claims made by Chenoweth and Stephan regarding the superior effectiveness of nonviolent movements are well-supported by their rigorous research methodology and have been validated through peer review and subsequent studies in the field. i've added an annex to the article shared above. BR,
@Radical_EgoCom Studies by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan reveal that nonviolent movements have a success rate of approximately 53%, compared to only 26% for violent uprisings. This research demonstrates the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance campaigns in achieving lasting and democratic change. To learn more, check out their study here: Why Civil Resistance Works.
Hello @Radical_EgoCom, thank you for your insights! I appreciate your perspective on the necessity of a centralized state in a post-capitalist society. It’s crucial to consider how we can navigate these complexities without resorting to violence. I invite you to explore my recently published dossier on starting politics in 2025 without violence, which discusses alternative approaches here https://mastodon.social/@homohortus/113809995946429971 Looking forward to your thoughts! @sz_duras@gpilz@cccp.bsky.social
@sz_duras une des premières critiques que j'adresserai à un assemblage de "post-cartésianisme, du communisme et de décroissance" , est qu'il n'est aucune mention de la Liberté. Celle qu'il nous faut défendre, et la Nature avec. Nietzsche réunit les deux. Deleuze est le digne représentant de la pensée nietzschéenne et intègre la vision du progressisme ( socialisme ). Dans cette voie, la seule concession que je m’apprête à discuter, la plus "décroissante", serait celle du conatus spinoziste.
@sz_duras Hello, my best wishes for the new year. My point of view, is that it should be nietzchean, and understood that way, and I'm prepared to defend my point of view in a contraddictory discussion. What are your main critics about any "nietzchean contract" ? Thanks a lot for your attention. have a nice day. HH
@sz_duras in this frame, in this contract, ( which becomes necessary, Nietzsche would have admitted it also in our situation i'm pretty sure ), here is from my point of view, the added value of any post-cartesianism, to be considered urgently. https://mastodon.social/@homohortus/113783585241189219
@sz_duras L'individualisme de Nietzsche affirme qu'une puissance créatrice peut (doit ?) s'opposer aux puissances destructrices telles le néolibéralisme et l'illibéralisme. Cela ce joue aussi finement que peut être la distinction entre nihilisme actif et nihilisme passif, selon Nietzsche toujours. Et Nietzsche l'était bien, je le crois, nihiliste ... et je souhaite préciser ma pensée en ce sens, qu'il n''y a d'autre choix, je le crois, que d'être nihiliste, en somme.. Actif, "tant qu'à faire"?
@sz_duras The current political spectrum overlooks #anarchism, focusing solely on statist parties. Even the #farleft remains within this framework, weakening its strategic position. #Anarchists, the only ones challenging the state's institutional monopoly, are rendered invisible. It's time to revise this spectrum to include these #libertarian perspectives, often mistaken for general #abstention. Let's rethink our political vision for a more accurate and complete representation! #PoliticalTheory
@sz_duras Concerning Nietzsche individualism : we might have to agree that Nietzsche individualism is plurial, so an opposite form to the currently well understood and applied Ayn Rand individualism. I posted this https://mastodon.social/@homohortus/113791557669265735 KR,
@sz_duras@tofol.bsky.social In light of Brennan's critique of use of #biopower, it's essential to explore how this may obscure the realities of contemporary #capitalism. As I discussed in my recent post, Brennan's insights resonate with #Illich's critique of institutional monopolies and #Latour's theory of actants. This interplay reveals the complexities of power dynamics and suggests that #Deleuze's "micro-ruptures" can challenge dominant structures. https://mastodon.social/@homohortus/113724435018959442
@lauren 🚨 Censure en vue sur Mastodon ! 🚨 Lauren Weinstein révèle que le gouvernement russe tente de censurer la plus grande instance de Mastodon, marquant un tournant pour la plateforme. Cette situation soulève des inquiétudes quant à une possible censure par d'autres gouvernements, notamment au Texas et en Floride. Cela met en lumière les défis permanents pour la liberté d'expression dans les espaces numériques face à un contrôle gouvernemental croissant. #Mastodon#LibertéDExpression#Censure
Trump presents a dilemma for Ukraine: accept a “peace” with major concessions or continue alone
🇺🇸🤝🇷🇺 Trump presents a dilemma for Ukraine: accept a "peace" with major concessions or continue alone. 20% of territory under Russian control, NATO weakened, sovereignty sacrificed. A victory for the Kremlin? ⚖️🌍 #Ukraine#Trump#Peace#Geopolitics Donald Trump proposes a freeze on the conflict in Ukraine, leaving 20% of the territory under Russian control. A quick peace…
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L’Allemagne de Baerbock : entre désarmement des SDF et ventes d’armement à la Turquie
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