@t3rr0rz0n3 bien hecho! Últimamente estoy testeando alternativas. Rimusic no está mal pero me falla bastante desde hace un par de semanas. Alguna recomendable?
⚠️ ATENCIÓ MASTODONTS! Petició d'ajuda: estic organitzant al servei d'un col·lectiu de Benetússer, un equip de voluntaris per ajudar a persones damnificades per la DANA a fer tràmits burocràtics i de l'assegurança i demès. Part són persones en risc d'exclusió social que tenen dificultats. Part estan en shock com per a fer tràmits ara. Qui vulga col·laborar, que m'escriga en privat. Estem esperant detalls i instruccions de Benetússer. Pel moment estem voluntaris d'@espaisvalencia i sindicalistes
@SallyStrange 92 of our people dead now, and increasing. The regional far-right government dismantled last year the Valencian Emergency Unit, that was created by the former progressive government in our autonomous region, the Valencian Country. Also, the national Meteorological Agency warned about the DANA and heavy storms, but the regional autorities didn't call the military emergency units and the help from the national government until 21:00 h.
@SallyStrange We recieved the emergency warning at 20:00. The rivers and creeks were flooding since hours ago, and hundreds of people were at this time trapped. No previous warning to evacuate areas or working places.
@SallyStrange Last year in our autonomous region (Valencian Country) we lost the progressive government and enter a coalition of conservatives and fascists. The regional president, Carlos Mazón, dismantled the Valencian Emergency Unit, arguing that was an unnecessary waste of money. 9 million euros were invested there. Then, he spent 17 million in shitty bullfighting events. This was one of the requests of his fascist climate-change deniers partners. This is incredibly disgusting