4/5 We need to *build* on the good with *new* better collaborative apps where social apps are interoperable through standards. @Solid is part of that good ecosystem - thank you to @nlnet funding Solid Protocol apps that are pro-human and to the @ODIHQ which is coordinating to build new apps and data Pod spaces for science and democracy #solidprotocol
5/5 Given rapid advancements in AI, it is critical we build on top of these good systems. Thank you to @mit Dome (one of the coolest stages in Davos) for hosting Inrupt’s John Bruce and me to talk about Charlie, an AI that works for you, built on top of the Solid Protocol. Also heard from other pro-human tech like Polis from @au and the work from Tristan Harris (Center for Humane Technology) at the Project Liberty Future House stage.
Just published a new DesignIssues note on the general vision of what a world will be like with everyone in control of their own data - the Solid Protocol benefits for when you have more than one app that has its data under your control. https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Vision.html