Is it me or do the Super Bowl commercials seem to reflect an America that does not exist anymore and has not existed for an extremely long time? Like, who is excited about a Mountain Dew flavor endorsed by Seal? Who thinks it’s fun when mascot characters of different companies crossover for a high five? Are we shocked by grannies behaving badly in a car commercial? This is novelty?
[NYT, which publishes transphobia twice a week, taking a stand today]: Transphobia HAS to stop, except against children and teenagers and athletes and maybe some other Trans people, we’ll get back to you
People are watching the beginning of a trans genocide and saying “love is love” and “you are valid” and “how does this lower the price of eggs” in response and waiting for applause.
All of this Meta news is actually great for the Fediverse and, let’s all groan together, BlueSky. People already opted into TikTok because, as biased as it is, there is a palpable difference between being an extension of the GOP and being a lawless place for posting.
I’m not saying the shift happens overnight, but I am saying that it is now even more inevitable.
PS I know I say it all the time, but I’m not just courting likes when I often tell you how much I love all of you — and this platform — deep in my soul. This is my one real home on the Internet now.
2024 was the year I: Came out to my parents, named myself, went under the knife twice, divorced (and then separately got my heart smashed into bits), wrote a full length musical, moved into my Single Girl apartment, started talking to my mother again (twice, let’s hope it sticks), saw everything on Broadway, tried oysters on the advice of Susan Sarandon, got my bellybutton pierced, became (?) bisexual, and spent an hour caught in the rain with five strangers in the middle of the Brooklyn bridge.