(...and I appended that particular link because it does a good job of explaining in plain terms that "operating income" is not some esoteric, meaningless statistic cherry-picked for the purpose of making this point. Selling & shipping socks has a margin of < 2%; selling CPU time and disk quotas, > 30%.)
I'm getting tired of software developers berating normal people for buying everyday household items on Amazon, considering that 3/4 of its operating income comes from the cloud computing services it sells to software developers.
So far, I have not seen an actual lawyer give an analysis of the newly-announced #Firefox#TOS thing and, to be frank, the hottakes that I have seen boosted by all yall here have not met my standard for "this person is doing a careful assessment".
Instead, there is a whole lot of "this undoubtedly verifies what I always secretly expected" or "everything in these sorts of statements in a trojan horse intended to cause harm."
So, please: If/when you do see some analysis by a lawyer, boost that.
@mattdm No no; what I meant was the "16.0%" etc, which are peculiar values to be specific about, and which are unevenly spaced. (Also, what the top-most & bottom-most numbers are, like is it 0%–16% or is it 12.7%–16%). And the color saturations/brightnesses don't seem to line up to the numbers....
Those are kinda red flags for me; they smack of charts generated by Excel with a bunch of settings left at defaults.
(doesn't mean the source is wrong, tbs; I just get antsy about viz misleadingness)
Tech dudes will literally post a rant that all the local plumbers have Facebook pages and should "learn to make and own their website" but they won't consider learning to fix a leaky faucet themselves.
Funny how I saw a loooooooooooot of people in my feed post (or retweet) that "ICE agents" had gone to a school in Chicago, a 'the outrage!' headline, but so far I have not seen a single one of those same people post that it turns out that it wasn't ICE at all.
Why? Because you don't read actual journalism on social media, and if you don't make the effort to do so, then you're doing more harm than good when you amplify slop.
I'm annoyed that this mysteriously failed to post, three times (meaning that the android client popped up an error message to explicitly say that, in those words, without further detail), and then for whatever reason it started posting itself automatically more than once, just to make me look weird. This is why open source is a technological dead-end with no hope to offer humanity, btw, and we will all end up having to go back to AIM
If any of you weirdos out there are subscribers to NPR's subscription service, NPR+, does it give you custom feed URLs that you can listen to through your podcast app of choice? Or is it bound to the NPR app?