@Thomas 100% appreciate the concept of this, but DAMN that seems like it's playing a dangerous game. I'm not a lawyer, but my layman's understanding is that anyone who sees that sign could be removed from the jury pool (any lawyers want to comment on that?)
@Thomas Definitely not! And like I said, I'm just a layman so I honestly don't know the answer, but I thought even saying the concept out loud would get you removed from a jury pool.
OK but seriously whoever designed the new iOS Apple Mail should 100% be fired. The entire team should be fired. It’s a fucking disgrace, an embarrassment. Absolutely infuriatingly broken. Oh my God.
It’s literally broken. It does not show you all of your email OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT EXISTS in the default view. You have to change the view and then all of your mail shows up. I’m just so tired. So exhausted by bad tech. I hate it all so much.
Email clients were a fucking solved problem in like 1999. We were done. We don’t need innovation in this space. We don’t need you to hide messages that you don’t think I need to see BY FUCKING DEFAULT. Christ I’m so pissed off (mostly because I missed a kind of important message due to this nonsense)
I'm so glad I got to see Jack Tramiel talk at the Computer History Museum before he died. I know he was a ball-busting asshole, but I have SO much respect for him. He changed my childhood and kind of helped forge who I am. What a legend.
I've actually seen a lot of computing history legends in person. Douglas Engelbart, Donald Knuth, Alan Kay, Alan Kotok, Steve Wozniak... heck I even shook Steve "Slug" Russell's hand and told him he was a legend.
Please help, because Internet Search is completely broken (yes, even Kagi in this case): Do you know of a utility that I can run in Windows 10 to do an EXTENDED test of an NVMe drive? I need it to do lots and lots of writes and reads, and alert me if any read fails.
Searching for this online just brings back "How to check your SMART status in Windows!" which is
I was talking about the tech industry with a friend the other night who was surprised to learn that I'm rooting for a reset / bubble pop. But the truth is, even if I end up having to work in a stockroom at Target and using a food bank to make ends meet, it will have been worth it to watch this thing collapse.
I am forced (against my will) to use Visual Studio 2022 at work. Since it updated to the latest version, I am prompted to try Copilot every time I launch it. Every time. And there is no way to turn it off. There's not even the courtesy of "Yes / Not Now" dialog, you just have to close it and know it will come back tomorrow.
I hate you, Microsoft. I hate you so fucking much. Please die. Please collapse. The tech purge cannot happen soon enough.
- 1992–1993: SLS - 1993–1996: Slackware - 1996–2005: RedHat - 2005–2015: Ubuntu - 2015–current: Linux Mint (desktop) / Debian (server)
I've played with lots of other distributions of course, but these were the "daily drivers" that I kept coming back to. Now I've added Arch on my Framework 13 laptop. I like it! It may or may not replace Mint. We'll see.
Mastodon is my home base and I'm not going anywhere, but I do applaud Bluesky for their continued focus on improving usability and safety. They allow quote-posts, but they're rolling out a new feature today that allows you to forcibly unlink your post from quote-posts if you're being harassed (or you just don't like the person who quote-posted you!) and I think that's a pretty neat feature. Good on them.