“…creativity and innovation is not closely tied to climate or ecology or culture. It's deeply path dependent. Innovations happen and people come up with new ideas…new ways of thinking about society and people's roles in it…how you organize it and what's legitimate. And those innovations take off, or they spread, or they don't, or they backfire. You have to…think about innovation in human society and how that accumulated in some parts of the world, and how it spread[…]” • https://yaschamounk.substack.com/p/newly-minted-nobel-prize-winner-james
“A Vance who wishes to be president needs Trump to win in November, stay alive long enough to take office in January, and then perish. One does not have to be an actuary to understand why Vance might think that this is a good bet.” • https://snyder.substack.com/p/veep-stakes
Recent Floor Activity Legislative Business (Monday, July 29)
“S. 3574 (Sen. Braun): A bill to amend chapter 3 of title 36, United States Code, to designate the mastodon as the national fossil of the United States.
“…Trump is a Yanukovych figure, a wannabe oligarch backed by actual oligarchs and the Kremlin. Unlike Yanukovych, he is personally charismatic and politically talented. The essence of Trump’s agenda is the transformation of the American political order. Whether or not this succeeds, the attempt at regime change will remove the United States from the international scene for an indefinite period…it will amount to allowing Russia and China to do what they want.” • https://snyder.substack.com/p/ukraine-and-harris
“…we must demand that Biden and the Democrats begin campaigning on a truly progressive agenda that addresses the needs of the working families of our country.