Bet on awesome with an all-new episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! For our 50th show, we're going all-in with a great selection of casino songs! Listen now wherever your podcasts are sold!
THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY! Bet it all and WIN WIN WIN with an all new episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! For our fiftieth episode, we're going to Vegas for a focus on gambling songs! Plus, Professor Tom talks a lot more than normal! Look for it soon wherever your podcasts are sold!
At the Asian grocery store today, we found King of Fighters soda, so we had to buy some.
I'm all about the Athena and Kyo flavors (peach and lime, respectively), but I wasn't really feeling Terry (sea salt flavor, which honestly tasted buttery? It was weird).
There's a new episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! We're going to strange places of ethereal beauty with tracks from Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, Seiken Densetsu 3, and MORE! Check it out wherever your podcasts are sold!
FORE! It's an all-new, all-GOLF* episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! We're heading to the course for 18 holes of golf game goodness, featuring lots of T&E Soft games and MORE! Check it out wherever podcasts are sold!
*actually there's a racing game song in there, too, but it sounds like a golf game song.
Masters of VGM 2024 is here with an ALL NEW episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! This year, we're honoring great female VGM composers! Check it out now!
THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY! Get ready for a new episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! We'll be covering 2024's MASTERS OF VGM! Featuring Yoko Shimomura, Manami Matsumae, Soyo Oka, and MORE! Check it out wherever podcasts are sold!
Today is the birthday of Clair Cameron Patterson, a chemist who was vital in getting lead removed from gasoline, which improved the health of literally everyone in the United States.
It's time for a new episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! This time, we're featuring songs that sound peppy and smart! Check out episode 46: Super Smart Songs!
THURSDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY! Get ready for an all-new, all-intelligent episode of Shujin Academy VGM Club! Grow your IQ by listening to VGM! We'll sell you the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge!
The next episode features a song from a game I featured way back in episode 2. I've grown as a podcaster since then. But the soundtrack in question is still great.
A lot of the people in the Bear vs Man discourse are choosing the bear. I think this is because the man is really into farty Genesis GEMS tracks. What other reason could there be?
I went to an arcade this weekend and got to play an old Sega motorcycle game where you leaned a motorcycle left/right to steer and you could lean it backwards to do a wheelie. I'm a sucker for those old gimmick cabinets.
Official Mastodon account of Shujin Academy VGM Club, America's number 7 VGM podcast!Visit for all the links to everything!