Lovely article that reminds me the two Earthsea trilogies need to be reread, it's been a couple of decades. And that'll mean The Dispossessed and Left Hard... etc will have to go on the reread list, dammit.
That moment when your nearly eighteen-year-old cat, that you've had since she was three days old dies peacefully in her sleep, wrapped in a blanket between us on the sofa. Lovely Nunka.
And just so you don't think I have appalling Spanish spelling Nunka is not Nunca (meaning "never"). Nunka means "earth" (not as in the planet but as in soil) in the Ecuadorian indigenous language Shwa (unsure of the correct spelling).
I was reminded by @pluralistic today that as a word, Luddite has been used and abused badly historically. So we need to reclaim it -- I want an "I'm a Luddite" sticker for my laptop, Luddite tech workers t-shirts etc. Time to get creative.