<buggler> nataria you sex machine <Nataria> buggler im not a sex machine... <buggler> you're not? prove you're not <PubiclyRelated> ;p; yeh <PubiclyRelated> prove it lol <Nataria> roflmao <Nataria> how can i be a sex machine if i havent had sex? O:D <Nataria> ha i winnnn :D <buggler> it's like having a cooking machine that hasn't been used, doesn't make it any less a machine <Nataria> rofl <buggler> you don't win, you lose. My rebuttal is second to none <Nataria> so im a sex machine waiting to be turned on?
<@shp> you think when we are older we will all sit in irc and say stuff like "remember when we were young and drinks were cheap and priests could molest young boys?"
<Larno> I got terribly smashed the night before <Larno> And some electricity cable broke down in my street <Larno> it was like 6am postman and garbage dudes were there- watching them workin on it and the street was blocked by police cars <Larno> eventually they knocked at my door so i m in front of a cop, a worker with his helmet a garbage mate, a postman and my neighbour- a huge black guy who works in IT <Larno> and all I can say is "oh maan the village people became jheovah witnesses"
<lav> pandas are black and white, lamer <lav> that bear is solid grey <Zhuzhen> hey Lav, join #avaxx for a sec. <lav> ok? <Zhuzhen> no one in there? <Zhuzhen> yeah, that's the room of people that care.
<+Skerper> I remember once in first year CS <+Skerper> this guy asked me to tutor him <+Skerper> was absolutely devastated that he'd gotten a 0 for his programming assignment <+Skerper> so he shows it to me <+Skerper> and he's literally written an essay on how to make the program <nugyflex> what the fuck <+Skerper> complete with stock images and references <BlackMoon> hahah <+Jattenalle> haha, aaw <+Skerper> but no actual program <nugyflex> ahahha <+Jattenalle> poor innocent little child <+Skerper> Never had such an "oh sweety" moment in my life <nugyflex> how does that happen <+Skerper> I have no fucking idea, it was the most awkward thing <nugyflex> how can that possibly happen... <+Skerper> I don't know how he got it into his head that that was the assignment <+Skerper> considering it had to be handed up to an automarker <+Skerper> that compiles it and tests output <nugyflex> Oooo nooo <nugyflex> tries to compile essay <nugyflex> rip
<herze> miss pearl <herze> my love for you is like diherrea <helpimarock> what <herze> i just cant hold it in <madpunk-nap> omg <helpimarock> ahhhhhhhhh <madpunk-nap> that would alomst be elite <helpimarock> thats the sweetest thing ive ever heard <madpunk-nap> if i didnt have to do with poop <herze> haha <herze> madpunk, even stevie wonder could see the beauty in you <herze> i have a few more <madpunk-nap> i dont want to know, im going back to sleep <herze> you have over 200 bones in your body... want another? <herze> lets play army, ill lay on the ground and you can blow the hell out of me
<kaGirl01> the nest time we have sex.... can it be to the tune of star trek?? <kaGirl01> ohh ummmm wrong window, please excuse that <evilroot> . . . . . . . .
<@CoMPLeX[a]> im booting man <@CoMPLeX[a]> nite nite <@Vedran> now im gonna b bored <@CoMPLeX[a]> nah <@CoMPLeX[a]> just keep pasting quotes <@Inf3kTeZ> lol <@CoMPLeX[a]> ill set a timer to say ROFL every 5 mins
TANK Ex Mortis: I HATE WINDOWS!!!11one AkiraBlast45387: ha AkiraBlast45387: y? TANK Ex Mortis: "Cannot delete file: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again." TANK Ex Mortis: WHAT FILE, YOU SHITHOLE OPERATING SYSTEM!? TANK Ex Mortis: If I was on Linux, it'd be like "There was an error, program X doesn't want you to delete that file. Here's a helpful link to teach you how to get around that. Would you like some tea?" TANK Ex Mortis: Of course, when I want to install something on Linux, it says "You can't install that until you install these 50 libraries, update these 3 drives, downgrade this 1 driver, and pick my mom up from the airport." TANK Ex Mortis: Whereas with Windows, it says "Click the next button over and over again until the program is installed. It will then work perfectly unless it doesn't." TANK Ex Mortis: Unless it's made by Valve, in which case it says "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE" and blows up your computer. ;_;
<@KrayWolf> Microsoft Windows: A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen-bit patch to an eight-bit operating system originally coded for a four-bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.
<SpaceCow> of COURSE they had computers in the 40's <SpaceCow> how else do you think they invented jews? <Volt9000> Jews aren't INVENTED <Volt9000> jews are GROWN <Volt9000> you plant a Jew Seed (2 ounces of foreskin) and it grows into a Jew Tree <RollingBrass> the way you can tell that they are ripe is that the nose to body size ratio is 3:1
lemonlimeskull: One guy keeps following me from chat room to chat room begging to blow me because he found out I live about a half hour away. lemonlimeskull: Other guy wants to fight me IRL because I posted on a forum that his local band sucks ass. lemonlimeskull: I'm going to agree to meet the two of them - same location at the same time. lemonlimeskull: I won't show up, of course - tomorrow one guy will be in the hospital or the other one will be a lot more mellow. lemonlimeskull: Will keep you posted.