”How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?” —Charles Bukowski, Factotum #work#employment
I’ve always thought there’s value in citizens archiving their own memories of a particular historic time. It contributes to a broader goal even if, in that moment, we might not realize how important it is. It means something for the future. —Sarah Kendzior #sarahkendzior#history#memory
Worldwide, citizens are missing out on $312 billion of income annually due to tax abuse by multinational corporations and an additional $171 billion via tax evasion by the rich, mainly through using tax havens. —Jem Bendell, Breaking Together: A freedom-loving response to collapse #tax#taxabuse#taxevasion#taxhavens#corporations#billionaires
It takes practice to tune in, to hear what we’re telling ourselves, and to begin to think of that as story rather than reality. But the more we try it, the better we become, first at noticing our story, and then at changing it. As we change it, our experience changes. Inevitably. —Stephanie S. Tolan, Change Your Story, Change Your Life #story#experience#change
”When we come to see each other beyond judgment and without condition we are known. When we are known, we become aware that we belong to each other. And when we become aware that we belong to each other we are compelled to act accordingly, and this world changes for the better.” —Nic Askew https://soulbiographies.com/library/introduction/ #knowing#belonging#change
“Onza means demon drummers in Japanese. For 46 years it has also been the name of a group of virtuoso musicians. They play the traditional Japanese drums. …the members…have achieved a harmony off as well as on stage. A near telepathic symbiosis.” https://youtu.be/sWQTXWC0JQA?feature=shared&t=2045 #japan#drumming#music
Our modern world has universalized, idolized, and mass-produced consumerism…as the highest and most desirable goal of life. From the perspective of the Yoga tradition, our vṛttis, the restlessness of the mind…, are out of control. —Edwin Bryant, The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali