One of the most pervasive myths is that modern capitalist societies are "more advanced" or "more civilised" than the societies they're still trying to compete the genocide of.
If you are having trouble thinking outside of this myth, consider one simple metric for comparing societies: will they have any descendants 10,000 years from now, and what kind of resources will be available to those descendants?
Note that many of the standard metrics capitalists like to point to don't really matter if you fail this metric. You can supply the best healthcare in the world (not that we do) but if the price is everyone will be dead in a century, that's not exactly a deal I want to take. Three are really deep structural problems with even the idea of "comparing societies," but the point is: modern capitalist/imperialist (and yes, also fascist & "communist") fail alarmingly at this metric. They are collectively on pace to trash the entire planet in a mere handful of centuries, let alone millennia, and their sci-fi promises of some kind of miraculous reversal of that sound increasingly like a con.
Once you stop accepting the idea that capitalism is "advanced," you'll have a much richer space to imagine what you'd like society to look like. One of the next steps is to start disentangling positive and negative technologies, and to think about how both physical and social technologies might advance in a lot of different ways. What kind of society would invent the MRI machine but not the bullet, for example (and if you think that's impossible, why are you so sure and who told you so)?
All of that to say: #LandBack