@ILoveAmericaNews Foreigners can't pay tariffs, duties or taxes. Those by definition can only be levied against your own side of commercial transactions.
The best you can do is extort tribute from them by force, very similar to how other empires (or atilla the hun) did. I 100% support the US demanding tributes from everyone.
@sickburnbro Agree. The belief in equality from christianity plus the unending corruption of jewish propaganda are the root cause of the problem. I wish the holocaust was real and germany had won the world wars, we would have colonized the entire sol system by now.
If whites didn't have it, men would be in command of the country and they would never allow immigrants in to come take their children's home away because they would not need anyone to support the massive welfare state that women voted in. Plus, their birth rate would be so high they would be conquering everyone now.
@sickburnbro@doctorsex I know, it was a joke. Haitians will transform even Japan in Haiti.
On a serious note, after a long time living overseas, planting your roots and most important, developing family, friends in a community in another country, it's statically very unlikely for that person to ever return to their original country. I can hardly see even myself moving overseas staying away from the family after having grandkids and such. For instance my ancestors never went back to Italy.
@sickburnbro@doctorsex Agree, it isn't the best solution but it's the best one for me at this moment in time. Maybe in 20-30 years (or earlier, who knows), things are different and being part of the new system is the best option.
@lina@syzygy My bad, I wish I could influence the faggots and have the greatest show in the 21st century: - Bring back the guillotine and broadcast his execution to the world. One can dream to kickstart the collapse.
@CaptainButthurt@DW2 Unfortunately for meatbags, men are the ones who choose who gets relationship and any sort of commitment. Their only currency is sex and men have better options today and if you want/bodybuild, you can even get sex for free anywhere. Whamyn literally have no value anymore.