"How I Use RSS To 'Rewild' My Attention"
My essay on the joys of using RSS to follow 400 weird, offbeat, niche blogs and sites that cater to my particular obsessions ...
... and how it helps me find more fascinating, deeper material than I see on algorthmically-sorted-for-virality social media
The piece, for Medium subscribers: https://clivethompson.medium.com/how-i-use-rss-to-rewild-my-attention-7731267a40d8
If you're not a Medium subscriber, here's a "friend" link: https://clivethompson.medium.com/how-i-use-rss-to-rewild-my-attention-7731267a40d8?sk=54d69b1b262db8d3d1a0229ae69816b9