Thirty-five years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre, an event they can't even talk about in their own country. A level of censorship US Republicans can only aspire to. #天安門大屠殺
Google Docs is handy for editing your copy. However, Google Drive 1) uses your data to build their AI, and 2) is subject to lockdown based on their censorship.
Once again, if you don't want to shell out for Scrivener, I recommend Calmly Writer. It's a stripped-down markup editor, a little more sophisticated than Notepad. Save your work in a variety of file types. Free or $11. Do not rely on the cloud. #AmWriting
#Stripe only reiterated their boilerplate: "We apologise for not having responded to you earlier. However, as mentioned in the Prohibited and Restricted Businesses here:, Adult content is prohibited as per these conditions."
They did not address the fact that they're supporting white supremacy. I looked in their policy, and I couldn't find anything that said they wouldn't do business with bigots.
#Stripe canceled my WordPress account when they discovered I write erotica. I lost my subscribers due to their action.
Later, I saw that they brokered the transfer of $7000 in Twitter ad revenue to known white supremacist DC_Draino.
I wrote to ask why they censored consensual sex literature but had no problem enabling bigotry and sedition. Stripe said they'd investigate and get back to me in 15 days with an answer.
It's been 90 business days with no response. I've reminded them five times.