After showing this to Alice yesterday, i finally decided to make this post...
So i've been having this issue for a while now. Whenever i update my kernel, the system doesn't boot properly, it always waits on "starting ipv4 packet filtering", and after that times out and it boots into my login screen usb devices don't work at all.
The way to fix that is to reinstall the kernel from a live usb. live usb specifically, trying to reinstall the kernel before rebooting does not work. Same with mkinitcpio
This happens with both the default kerneXIWarpPointerl, and the zen kernel
I'm not sure when exactly that started, but i've been dealing with that for a while now.
Hi, I'm Luna ([ˈlunə]) or Ciubix ([ˈkʲjʉbʲiks])I'm a stereotypical transfem which means::arch: I use Arch (btw):rust: I like Rust:spinnycattrans: :spinnycatbi: :spinnycatace: I'm pretty gay:blobcatgooglytrash: I'm a huge nerd:blobcat: I am a catgirl:blobcat: Lerta miaŭistino:3 champion of competitive :3ingI play piano (poorly) , and (make horrific noises on) violin and guitarI also stream on twitchMade @yassiej meow :3May post horny/lewd stuff, (all properly CWd ofc), If you're a minor do not interact with my nsfw postsPlease do flirt with me(if you're not a minor) and do pet me :neocatbottom: or else :neocatgun:HRT 02.09.23 ("most user of all time; i rate score out of ten" - @smolcasm"nya 10/10 :3" - @sleepybisexual"she is eepy but good" - @mairi"Luna your whole existence is a gay incident" - @hertog"luna is so soff that she could be a pillow" - @yassiej