@PeiLun ⋯我收到兩次😅
Notices by Perfume (perfume@qoto.org), page 4
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Sep-2023 10:08:17 JST Perfume -
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 30-Aug-2023 12:42:06 JST Perfume 臉書自己出的報告證實中國政府網軍鎖定台灣為目標:
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 09:13:23 JST Perfume 日本外交隨著情勢緊繃而被迫明確。
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 09:13:21 JST Perfume In conversation from gnusocial.jp permalink Attachments
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 09:13:20 JST Perfume 你做得初一,我便作得十五:
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 09:13:19 JST Perfume 當過日本外相的麻生阿伯用很有性格的裝扮到台灣啦!~
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 09:13:18 JST Perfume 阿伯講話要聽喔!
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 16-Aug-2023 09:13:17 JST Perfume 麻生阿伯這次講話的重要性:
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 12:13:17 JST Perfume 中國修改反間諜法可能令外商卻步,從而對經濟雪上加霜:
"Some foreign business executives say they worry the rewriting of the espionage law means that many topics, ranging from the status of Taiwan to China’s human rights record to technology such as semiconductors, are now becoming off limits in discussions with their Chinese counterparts."
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 12:13:15 JST Perfume 對政策反應的這波撤資規模:
"據研究公司Exante Data分析,過去5個交易日,全球投資者藉由滬深港通跨境交易機制撤離中國股市的資金高達31億7000萬美元,這是自去年11月以來歷時最長的一輪資金撤離。"
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 12:13:14 JST Perfume 亞馬遜也跑了:
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Wednesday, 10-May-2023 13:29:59 JST Perfume @PeiLun Day O就是在這片裡記住的~
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2023 11:54:53 JST Perfume "鐵道便當的歷史也是從日本殖民時代開賣,當時搭車時若要用餐,可至餐車進食,例如 1912 年縱貫線急行列車就已經加掛了「一等食堂車」,不過當時餐車用餐可不便宜,在一般車廂並不提供茶與便當,旅客必須在列車靠站時購買,也因此在部分車站出現了便當販賣的服務。
在中國殖民時期,1949 年開始,臺鐵在高雄、臺南、臺中、臺北、松山五個車站的鐵道餐廳生產鐵路便當,運到車上販賣。而在 1960 年,臺鐵成立「小營」部,進一步整合販售便當者,後逐漸成為臺鐵除了運輸之外之主要商品。"
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2023 11:44:54 JST Perfume In conversation from qoto.org permalink Attachments
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2023 11:44:53 JST Perfume 芬蘭此舉形同增加俄羅斯西邊防線壓力:
芬蘭國防部長凱科寧(Antti Kaikkonen)在記者會上表示,「當比較這些戰機的軍事表現,F-35最符合我們的需求。」芬蘭也將成為全球第14個選用F-35的國家,計畫從2027年起更替現有戰機。
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2023 11:44:52 JST Perfume 芬蘭持續強化肌肉, 訂單應接不暇的米國DSCA跟負責批准的國務院忙翻天~
"The Government of Finland has requested to buy one hundred fifty (150) M30A1 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead (AW) (Steel Case), or M30A2 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead (AW) Missile Pods with Insensitive Munitions Propulsion System (IMPS), or a combination of both; and two hundred fifty (250) M31A1 GMLRS Unitary (GMLRS-U) Warhead (Steel Case), or M31A2 GMLRS-U IMPS, or a combination of both. Also included is a Quality Assurance Team (QAT); transportation services; and other related elements of program and logistics support. The total estimated cost is $535 million."
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Thursday, 04-May-2023 11:44:51 JST Perfume 芬蘭媒體出奇招打破俄羅斯新聞鐵幕:
"「絕對武力」是由美國民營遊戲開發商維爾福公司(Valve Corporation)於2012年發表的遊戲,研究公司Newzoo的資料顯示,這是全世界10大最受歡迎遊戲之一。
地圖中藏有一個密室, 赫爾辛基日報在密室中藏有文字和影像,詳述該報文字和攝影記者在戰爭期間在烏克蘭目睹的殘酷行為。"
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2023 17:17:25 JST Perfume 台灣備戰需要雙重加速: 爭取短期內購入軍備與強化軍員實戰能力.
"U.S. officials, former Taiwanese military leaders and security experts say they believe that means Taiwan needs to do more to ensure it can inflict enough damage to discourage an invading force or hold it off until the arrival of help—possibly from the U.S. After years of increases in military spending, China now has around 100 times as many ground force personnel as Taiwan and a military budget 25 times as large, according to Pentagon data."
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2023 17:17:24 JST Perfume “標槍及拖式飛彈為我國地面部隊主要的反裝甲武器系統,除了現役裝備之外,美國已宣佈售台400枚新型標槍飛彈(中程反裝甲飛彈)丶42套系統,金額達到1億1171萬美金(約合台幣34億餘萬元),這400枚標槍飛彈及42套系統,將於2022年一次全數運交台灣,屆時可有效強化台灣的反裝甲戰力。
標槍飛彈(FGM-148 Javelin)是美國研製的一種2人操作的反裝甲(反制戰甲車)飛彈,以飛彈彈體及可重複使用的發射器為一套系統,對敵方裝甲車輛具有強大的殺傷破壞力,由於重量較重,一般均為坐在地面上發射,若前方有掩體可供支撐則可採用高跪姿射擊,有效射程可達2500公尺丶最大射程為4750公尺,由於摧毀力強,有著「戰車殺手」之稱。”
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Perfume (perfume@qoto.org)'s status on Monday, 01-May-2023 17:17:23 JST Perfume 陸軍表示: 終於輪到我汰舊換新了QQ
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