“From the other side of the world, we University of #Melbourne For #Palestine#UM4P, express our full and unwavering #solidarity with the brave actions of #Columbia Students For Justice in Palestine #SJP. From Australia, we join the global chant ‘disclose, divest! We will not stop, we will not rest!’”
In embracing the concept of the #circulareconomy, Indonesian officials have become prone to portraying #plasticpollution as a potential resource to be repurposed for economic uplift. Lukas Fort on the politics and policy of the "#plasticene" in #Indonesia, "[r]eframing waste as only an economic resource does not convey the urgent need for #wastemanagement and #wastereduction."
like #Ozymandias, Mark #Zuckerberg may one day learn the hard way that all of his planning to elevate himself above the risks of the mortal world has been for naught. If the #apocalypse does come, hurling us all into nature… The security guards that you hired to protect you are going to think more about protecting themselves. The construction workers who built your compound will know where all the food is hidden.
iww ex-Nurses Aide, orderly and cleaner at public hospitals, ex-Library Assistant at public libraries, ex-tram conductor on public transport, ex-printshop, ex -revegetation, ex-grocers packer. Lived in public housing, squats and rental cooperatives.