"Global ansteigende Temperaturen führen auch zu einer Intensivierung des Wasserkreislaufes, da mehr Wasser über dem Ozean verdunstet und von der Atmosphäre gehalten werden kann. In der Folge kann auf länger andauernde Trockenphasen beständiger Stark- und Dauerregen folgen." PIK Forscher Peter Hoffmann zu steigendem #Meeresspiegel in #nyc
"It is crucial to recognise that there will be no safe landing on climate if we don’t act now to bring the other planetary boundaries into a safe operating space. In other words, even if we phase out all fossil-fuels, overuse of water, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and land degradation can alone make us crash through the safe climate limit." PIK Director Johan Rockström & Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, in an opinion piece on Thomson-Reuters. https://www.context.news/net-zero/opinion/we-need-to-stop-gambling-with-our-planet?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=context-climate
"There’s good news for the ice sheet, which may withstand temporary breaches in 1.5C, but emissions must still drop quickly" - latest Nature study with PIK scientist Niklas Boers covered by @euronews
“My emotional response is anger. With every square kilometre of deforestation, every fraction of degree of global warming, we are raising the risk of a tipping point. Yet, it is incredibly simple to just stop deforestation. It is an absolutely unique ecosystem that we really can’t afford to lose”, says PIK scientist Niklas Boers, co-author of the newly published study on the South American monsoon in The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/04/south-american-monsoon-heading-towards-tipping-point-likely-to-cause-amazon-dieback
Die Schädigung des #Amazonas-Regenwaldes gefährdet den südamerikanischen Monsun: Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmung, der Entwaldung & der intensivierten Landnutzung dazu führen können, dass das gekoppelte Regenwald-Monsum-System einen kritischen Punkt der Destabilisierung überschreitet.
The impacts of #globalwarming deforestation and intensified land use are pushing the South American monsoon towards a critical destabilization point, a new study shows. Once crossed, substantially less rainfall is to be expected in large parts of the South American continent.
In turn, this would have major implications for the stability of the Amazon rainforest, as even areas not yet directly affected by land use change would be at risk of dieback:
“Even if we transition to 100% clean energy, temperatures will continue to rise unless we also address our unsustainable relationship with #nature." PIK Director Johan Rockström, mentioned in TIME article. Interesting read on nature-based #climate solutions.
“Auf die Ausgestaltung der #Energiewende kommt es an, sozial Benachteiligte dürfen nicht die Zeche zahlen. Wir brauchen gerechte Ausgleichsmechanismen.“ PIK Forscher Fritz Reusswig zur Frage, wie #Klimaschutz gelingen kann, ohne dass Hass & Extremismus zunehmen. #mittestudie
All #PlanetaryBoundaries mapped out, six of nine crossed: For the first time, an international team of scientists is able to provide a full picture of planetary resilience by mapping out all nine boundary processes that define a safe operating space for humanity.
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research studies global change, #climate & #sustainability issues. Toots from the comms team. Website: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/enWir finden uns noch zurecht und tooten erstmal zweisprachig. Das Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung untersucht Globalen Wandel, #Klima, Lösungsstrategien. Es tootet die Pressestelle. Webseite: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/de/startseite